Monday, October 24, 2011

Tools of the Trade: The Disposable Cell Phone

What a world we live in. I can run out to the local 7-11 with a few bucks and buy a crappy cell phone and have my own number no one will ever know about. Drug dealers have used this for years and I encourage anyone trying to cheat to run out and buy one.

Now, don't be an idiot and keep it in your pocket with the ringer on. Put it somewhere less than obvious. In the garage, in the trunk of your car, leave it in a desk in your office. The last one is the best because you can still charge it when you need it.

These phone numbers are perfect to give out to women you meet in bars, to hookers who need to call you back to verify your identity and anyone else you want to communicate with on the sly.

Some of these phones even allow texting. Hello sexting!

Just be sure to keep buying refills and keep this all away from your wife. If she finds it, just say you found it and are going to sell it on ebay. Then do it! Sell that shit. Losing some phone numbers and a few booty calls is worth it if you want to stay married.

And if you don't, use the phone to call a divorce lawyer.

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